Главная » 2013 » Июль » 20 » DotA-Allstars 6.78c
DotA-Allstars 6.78c

6.78c Changelog:

* Rage cooldown increased from 15 to 17 seconds
* Flamebreak cooldown increased from 11 to 14
* Tether movement bonus decreased from 20% to 17%
* Living Armor damage block instances from 7 to 4/5/6/7
* Chemical Rage bonus HP reduced from 300/600/900 to 250/500/750
* Gyrocopter attack range reduced from 375 to 365
* Team 2 now bans second instead of first in Ban Phase #2. (All other phases and orders are the same)

* 狂暴的冷却时间从15增加到17
* 烈焰破击的冷却时间从11增加到14
* 联结的移动速度加成从20%降低到17%
* 活体护甲的伤害抵挡次数从7次减少到4/5/6/7次
* 化学狂暴的生命值加成从300/600/900减少到250/500/750
* 矮人直升机的攻击距离从375减少到365
* 现在在第二个禁用阶段,队伍B从以前的先禁用改为后禁用。(其他阶段和顺序不变)

- Fixed a bug that allowed some players to control two heroes
- Fixed being unable to easily tell when Tombstone was Decrepified
- Fixed False Promise interaction with Shallow Grave
- Fixed Quelling Blade doing damage to allied wards
- Fixed the passive regen missing on Spirit Bear's Armlet
- Fixed Empty Bottle courier slow lasting a couple extra seconds after it is filled
- Fixed Buyback cooldown display not always being accurate
- Fixed Rupture hurting couriers
- Fixed some issues with targeting near units with Stone Caller
- Fixed Flak Cannon vs Gem
- Fixed Panda with Bloodstone being unable to revive
- Fixed swapping costing you an extra 100 gold if you swap after repicking a new hero
- Fixed multiple swaps costing you more gold
- Fixed Bloodrage removing Doom and stuns from allies
- Fixed Bloodrage removing Elder Dragon Form
- Fixed various tooltips
- Fixed a bug with Courier haste speed when interacting with slows
- Fixed Bloodstone charges being slightly inaccurate when activating the item manually
- Fixed Rupture piercing Shallow Grave
- Fixed False Promise interaction with Armlet and Power Treads
- Fixed Shadow Demon base int
- Fixed Mortal Strike interaction with Linken's Sphere
- Fixed an Aghnaim's Scepter droppability issue
- Fixed aoe XP/Gold with deny/neutral/suicide
- Fixed Aghanim Reaper buyback not being prevented properly if someone else gets the last hit
- Fixed some minor issues with the values on Eye of the Storm
- Fixed Geomagnetic Grip being wasted if targeting ground and no nearby Rock is found to pull

- 修正了一个导致某些玩家可以控制2个英雄的bug
- 修正了难以明显分辨墓碑是否被衰老的问题
- 修正了虚妄诺言和薄葬的相互作用
- 修正了压制之刃可以对己方的守卫造成伤害的问题
- 修正了熊灵携带莫尔迪基安的臂章时被动生命回复无效的问题
- 修正了空瓶对信使造成的减速即使在魔瓶装满后依然存在数秒的问题
- 修正了买活的冷却时间有时显示不正确的问题
- 修正了割裂可以对信使造成伤害的问题
- 修正了不能紧贴单位施放召唤岩石的问题
- 修正了高射火炮与真视宝石的相互作用
- 修正了携带血精石的熊猫酒仙无法复活的问题
- 修正了如果你重选了一个英雄,交换仍然要再花费100金钱的问题
- 修正了多次交换会花费更多金钱的问题
- 修正了血之狂暴可以移除队友身上的末日和眩晕效果的问题
- 修正了血之狂暴会移除真龙形态的问题
- 修正了许多提示文字
- 修正了一个关于信使的加速和减速相互作用的bug
- 修正了手动使用会导致血精石的能量点数计算不太准确的问题
- 修正了割裂无视薄葬的问题
- 修正了虚妄诺言和莫尔迪基安的臂章及动力鞋的相互作用
- 修正了暗影恶魔的基础智力不正确的问题
- 修正了致死打击和林肯法球的相互作用
- 修正了阿哈利姆神杖不能丢弃的问题
- 修正了队友反补/中立生物击杀/自杀产生的的范围经验/金钱问题
- 修正了如果由其他人造成致死伤害,神杖效果的死神镰刀不能正确禁用对方买活的问题
- 修正了一些关于风暴之眼的数值的小问题
- 修正了如果指定地面目标却没有在附近找到可拉动的岩石,地磁之握会被浪费的问题

New Strength Hero: Kaolin, the Earth Spirit

New Intelligence Hero: Nerif, the Oracle

Arc Warden
- Magnetic Field AoE decreased from 325 to 275
- Tempest Double unit is now visible to the enemy players as the fake

- Counter Helix cooldown decreased from 0.65/0.6/0.55/0.5 to 0.55/0.5/0.45/0.4

Ancient Apparition
- Ice Vortex cooldown decreased from 6 to 5
- Ice Blast base AoE increased from 225 to 275
- Added Aghanim's Scepter

- Vision decreased from 1800/800 to 1400/800
- Flamebreak manacost increased from 80/100/120/140 to 140

- Greater Hawk invisibility fade time decreased from 5 to 4

- Strygwyr's Thirst now gives you bonus 3/4/5/6 armor when active
- Bloodrage dispels the target before applying its buff

- Rupture damage is now HP loss

Bounty Hunter
- Track manacost from 70/60/50 to 50

- Quill Spray hit memory increased from 10 to 14 seconds

- Incapacitating Bite miss chance from 10/20/30/40% to 30/40/50/60%
- Spawn Spiderlings unit count increased from 1/2/3/3 to 1/2/3/4

Centaur Warchief
- Added to Captain's Mode

- Strafe cooldown decreased from 60/50/40/30 to 45/40/35/30

Clockwerk Goblin
- Power Cogs no longer knock back magic immune units

Crystal Maiden
- Brilliance Aura mana regen increased from 0.5/1/1.5/2 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
- Freezing Field explosion AoE increased from 215 to 230
- Aghanim's Freezing Field's attack speed reduction aura increased from -20 to -50

Dark Seer
- Vacuum cooldown increased from 22 to 24

- Shadow Wave target count increased from 3/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
- Shallow Grave can now be cast on magic immune allies

Death Prophet
- Movement speed decreased from 285 to 280
- Silence AoE increased from 200/275/350/350 to 350
- Witchcraft move speed bonus increased from 4/8/12/16% to 5/10/15/20%

- Thunder Strike from 3 strikes over 4 seconds to 4 strikes over 6 seconds
- Thunder Strike damage per strike decreased from 50/75/100/125 to 40/60/80/100
- Thunder Strike AoE increased from 200 to 240

Doom Bringer
- Doom now disables Feast, Backtrack, Dispersion, Juxtapose, Bristleback and Blood Bath
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade duration reworked

Dragon Knight
- Corrosive Breath passive from Level 1 Elder Form now carries over to Level 2 (the DPS)

Drow Ranger
- Trueshot Aura increased from 14/18/22/26% to 16/20/24/28%

- Turn rate improved from 0.4 to 0.6
- Fissure range increased from 1200 to 1300
- Echo Slam now considers illusions as heroes

Ember Spirit
- Flame Guard DPS increased from 30/35/40/45 to 30/40/50/60
- Added to Captain's Mode

- Aghanim's Scepter bonus attack range increased from 165 to 190

- Malefice scaling reworked

Goblin Shredder
- Base Strength increased by 3
- Int growth increased from 1.8 to 2.4
- Chakram initial manacost rescaled from 125/150/175 to 75/125/175
- Chakram move speed increased from 800 to 900

- Flak Cannon cooldown increased from 20 to 30

- Base Strength increased by 3
- Burning Spears DPS increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20
- Life Break HP cost increased from 35/30/25% to 40/35/30%
- Berserker's Blood Reworked

- Removed from Captain's Mode

- Alacrity manacost decreased from 100 to 75
- Ghost Walk slow increased from 20/23/26/30/33/36/40 to 20/25/30/35/40/45/50
- Ghost Walk cooldown decreased from 60 to 35
- Tornado damage rescaled from 70+(Wex+Quas)*20 to 70+(2*Wex+Quas)*15

- Spirits no longer provide vision, except temporarily when they collide with an enemy hero
- Overcharge hp/mp cost increased from 3.5% to 4.5%

- Omnislash no longer jumps on Tombestone Zombies

Keeper of the Light
- Base Strength decreased by 2

- Ghost Ship damage increased from 300/400/500 to 350/450/550
- X Marks The Spot manacost decreased from 80/90/100/110 to 80
- X Marks The Spot vision from 1000 flying to 400 ground vision

Legion Commander
- Duel bonus damage per victory increased from 10 to 10/14/18
- Added to Captain's Mode

- Chainfrost bounce count increased from 7 to 10

- Open Wounds cast range decreased from 600 to 200/300/400/500

Lina Inverse
- Attack range increased from 625 to 635

- Mana Drain break and cast range improved by 100 (750/1100 -> 850/1200)
- Aghanim's Finger of Death CD decreased from 160/100/40 to 100/60/20

Lone Druid
- Spirit Bear now has its HP drained by Armlet when active
- Spirit Bear bounty increased from 100 to 300

Lord of Avernus
- Movement speed increased from 300 to 310

- Armor increased by 1 (Shapeshift total armor is still the same as before)

- Reverse Polarity damaged decreased from 150/225/300 to 50/125/200

- Stone Gaze Reworked

- Removed from Captain's Mode

- Innate magic resistance increased from 25% to 35%

- Elune's Arrow now deals up to 100 extra damage based on distance the arrow traveled
- Moonlight Shadow cooldown decreased from 160/140/120 to 140/120/100
- Starfall will choose a new target for the second star if the first died before impact

- Base attack time improved from 1.7 to 1.6

Naga Siren
- Rip Tide cooldown rescaled from 19/16/13/10 to 10

- If a unit dies under Reaper's Scythe, it will be credited to Necrolyte
- Aghanim's Reaper's Scythe causes buyback to be disabled on heroes it kills for that death

Nerubian Assassin
- Mana Burn drain and damage decreased from 5x Int to 3.5/4/4.5/5x
- Mana Burn manacost rescaled from 130/120/110/100 to 100

- Hunter in the Night attack speed rescaled from 30/45/60/75 to 45/55/65/75 (MS remains 20/25/30/35)

Obsidian Destroyer
- Movement speed increased from 310 to 315

Ogre Magi
- Ignite DPS increased from 26/32/38/44 to 26/34/42/50

- Added Aghanim's Scepter

Pandaren Brewmaster
- Aghanim's Primal Split units now gain your current level of Drunken Brawler
- Fire Panda no longer upgrades damage with Aghanim's Scepter

Phantom Assassin
- Blur level 4 evasion increased from 35% to 40%

Phantom Lancer
- Spirit Lance, Dopplewalk, Juxtapose and Phantom Edge illusions damage dealt decreased from 25% to 20%

- Sun Ray HP cost per second increased from 3% to 4%

- Flesh Heap strength bonus increased from 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 to 1/1.5/2/2.5

- Nether Blast structure damage increased from 33% to 50%
- Decrepify can now target Tombstone

- Eye of the Storm duration increased from 20/25/30 to 30
- Eye of the Storm strike interval decreased from 0.75/0.65/0.55 to 0.7/0.6/0.5 (Aghanim's to 0.55/0.45/0.35)
- Unstable Current movement speed bonus increased from 3/6/9/12% to 4/8/12/16%

- Permanent Invisibility fade time decreased from 3/2.25/1.5 to 3/2/1

Sand King
- Invisibility fade delay when exiting Sand Storm improved from 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.5 to 1.5
- Sand Storm now has a smoother damage interval (1->0.5, total damage is the same)

Shadow Demon
- Base Intelligence decreased by 3
- Shadow Poison no longer gives vision over the targets with the debuff

Shadow Fiend
- Requiem of Souls slow rescaled from 15/20/25% to 20%
- Requiem of Souls damage reduction increased from 15/20/25% to 50%

Shadow Shaman
- Aghanim's Mass Serpent Wards damage increased from 53-59/74-79/94-100 to 85-90/105-110/125-130

- Global Silence now affects sleeping units
- Added Aghanim's Scepter for Silencer

Skeleton King
- Reincarnation slow now affects attack speed as well
- Reincarnation slow happens immediately upon death rather than after reincarnating
- Critical Strike Reworked

- Bash damage type from magical to physical
- Sprint cooldown decreased from 40 to 28

- Shrapnel AoE increased from 360 to 400

Spirit Breaker
- Charge of Darkness will now also Greater Bash its target

Storm Spirit
- Electric Vortex cooldown decreased from 20 to 21/20/19/18

Tauren Chieftain
- Ancestral Spirit vision type from Flying to Ground
- Natural Order aura increased from 20/40/60/80% to 25/50/75/100%

- Conjure Image illusion duration increased from 25 to 32
- Sunder minimum HP exchange decreased from 33/28/23% to 25/20/15%

- Ravage AoE rescaled from 825/925/1025 to 1025

- Toss cooldown decreased from 10 to 9
- You can now Toss units to Runes

Treant Protector
- Leech Seed slow increased from 24% to 28%
- Leech Seed's healing effect no longer ends when the target dies

Troll Warlord
- Battle Trance cooldown increased from 20 to 30
- Battle Trance duration decreased from 10 to 7

- Snowball cooldown decreased from 24 to 21

- Soul Rip cast range increased from 650 to 750

Ursa Warrior
- Fury Swipes duration increased from 6 to 15

Vengeful Spirit
- Strength increased from 16 + 2.3 to 18 + 2.6
- Nether Swap cast range rescaled from 600/900/1200 to 650/925/1200

- Poison Sting duration increased from 6/7/8/9 to 6/8/10/12

- Corrosive Skin affects any damage source not just regular attacks
- Viper Strike is no longer removed by Dark Pact or Kraken Shell

Winter Wyvern
- Intelligence growth increased from 2.4 to 3.1
- Arctic Burn no longer provides flying vision

Witch Doctor
- Death Ward cast range rescaled from 300/350/400 to 400
- Maledict cast range increased from 400 to 525

Ancient Janggo of Endurance
- Recipe cost increased from 750 to 800

Armlet of Mordiggian
- HP regen decreased from 8 to 7

Assault Cuirass
- Positive armor aura is no longer prevented from stacking with other items

Black King Bar
- Magic Immunity now has a 6th level of decrease

Blade Mail
- Armor increased from 5 to 6
- Damage Return cooldown decreased from 22 to 17

- Initial charges increased from 6 to 8
- Can be activated to instantly kill yourself

- While empty, Bottle causes couriers to move 30% slower

- Courier no longer block neutral creeps from spawning
- Courier Speed Burst from 100% to 50% MS bonus (still reaches max speed)

- Recipe cost decreased from 1300 to 1250

Dust of Appearance
- Now stacks in inventory
- Now slows heroes with an invisibility buff on them by 10%

Ethereal Blade
- Self or ally cast duration increased to 4 seconds

Eul's Scepter of Divinity
- Movement speed bonus increased from 30 to 35

Force Staff
- Recipe cost decreased from 1000 to 900

Gem of True Sight
- Gem can no longer be destroyed
- Gold cost increased from 700 to 850

Headress of Rejuvenation
- Regeneration Aura AoE increased from 500 to 750 (now equal to Mekansm's active)

Kelen's Blink Dagger
- Cooldown decreased from 14 to 12

Linken's Sphere
- Cooldown decreased from 20 to 17

Lothar's Edge
- Damage decreased from 30 to 22

Medallion of Courage
- Cast range increased from 800 to 1000

- Regeneration Aura AoE increased from 500 to 750 (now equal to active)

Nathrezim Buckler
- Armor bonus AoE active increased from 700 to 750 (now equal to Mekansm's active )

- Warrior and Archer armor type changed from Heavy to Hero

Null Talisman
- Recipe cost decreased from 145 to 135

Observer Ward
- Initial Stock now starts at 1 instead of 2 (max stock is still 2)

Quelling Blade
- Can now target Observer or Sentry wards dealing 100 damage (wards have 200 hp)
- Cast range increased from 100 to 350

- Burn damage increased from 45 to 50

Sange and Yasha
- Minor changes to stats

Sentry Ward
- Sentry Wards AoE decreased from 950 to 800

Shadow Amulet
- Fade time decreased from 2.6 to 2.4

Shiva's Guard
- Shiva's Guard aura AoE decreased from 1000 to the standard 900
- Shiva's Guard AS reduction increased from -30 to -40

Stygian Desolator
- Corruption armor reduction increased from 6 to 7

Veil of Discord
- Discord AoE increased from 550 to 600

* Captain's Mode bans changed from 2/3 to 2/2/1
* Captain's Mode picks changed from 3/2 to 2/2/1
* Adjusted ban/pick/reserve times Captain's Mode

* Deny XP and Bonus XP/Gold AOE is now the same as regular XP AOE (1000->1200)
* 4 hero XP bonus changed from 15+6*Level to 20+5*level
* 5 hero XP bonus changed from 10+5*Level to 15+4*level
* Level 11 XP requirements reduced from 6500 to 6000
* Level 12 XP requirements increased from 7700 to 8200
* Gold for ending a spree changed from 50->400 (3x->10x) to 75->600

* Buy back cooldown increased from 5 to 6 minutes

* Level 1 and Level 2 towers armor increased from 18 to 20
* Towers no longer have separate bounty values when creeps or allies get the last it, it now gives the same reliable bounty to all players as if a creep killed it.
* Hero getting last hit on tower gives 100-200 bonus gold. Does not affect team bounty in any way

* Backdoor protection now also reduces incoming damage by 25%
* Siege units HP increased from 500 to 550

* Repicking a randomed hero now re-adds the hero to the pool
* Swapping a hero that you randomed now costs you 100 gold

* Fixed a bug with Call Down slow sometimes lasting too long
* Fixed Call Down inaccurate tooltip
* Fixed Echo Stomp stun sometimes ending too early
* Fixed Ancients not having backdoor protection
* Fixed the left range rax not upgrading the siege units properly for the Sentinel
* Fixed the active component of Tranquil Boots being enabled on Illusions
* Fixed an inconsistency with mana sharing on Tether
* Fixed an issue with Primal Split's Level 2 Storm interaction with Smoke
* Fixed Shadow Amulet not working when you are Magic Immune
* Fixed Rod of Atos sell price
* Fixed Smoke of Deceit not working on Familiars
* Fixed suicides causing aoe bonus XP to be given out
* Fixed attack speed with Armlet on Spirit Bear
* Fixed level 3 Skeleton King Reincarnation scoreboard
* Fixed Rupture sometimes remaining on you when you revive
* Fixed a very minor damage inaccuracy with Eye of the Storm

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